Adolescent Development Lab

Adolescent Development Lab

Adolescent Development Lab

Directed by Dr. Alexander T. Vazsonyi, the lab was funded, in part, from support provided by the Martin-Gatton CAFE Associate Dean for Research and the Office of the UK Vice President for Research.

About Dr. Alexander T. Vazsonyi

Alexander T. Vazsonyi, Ph.D., headshotDr. Vazsonyi's cross-cultural and intracultural comparative work focuses on the etiological factors (e.g., individual differences, parenting, family processes) and developmental course of adolescent problem behaviors (deviance, cyberbullying, violence, and health or health-compromising behaviors) as well as indicators of psychosocial adjustment and well-being (academic achievement, internalizing behaviors).

Using a multidisciplinary lens, it examines these questions in large, representative population-based samples of "typically developing" youth and adolescents. This includes a particular consideration of contextual processes known to impact development, ranging from more proximal contexts (neighborhood, school) to distal ones (culture, nation).

This inherently comparative work also focuses on different ethnic or racial groups as well as immigrant groups in the United States (African American, American Indian, Asian American, Hispanic and white youth) as well as Roma youth versus non-Roma youth, for instance, in the Czech Republic, or more broadly, and the European Union.

Lab Affiliates

Two people stand in UK graduation gownsLab affiliates include Doctoral Students, Master's Students, Visiting Researchers/Postdocs and Undergraduate Researchers.

Over the past 20 years, Dr. Vazsonyi has invited well over 100 undergraduate students to work in his research lab on ongoing projects and data collections.

Many students have worked multiple semesters in the lab. Although too numerous to list, each student was an integral part of ongoing projects and research.

Dr. Vazsonyi is always interested in recruiting focused and diligent students who would like to work in the lab (initially for credit, with the possibility of later being hired for pay) and who would like to learn more about the research process.

If you are interested, please contact Dr. Vazsonyi.

Doctoral Students    Master's Students    Visiting Researchers/Postdocs    Undergraduate Researchers

Contact Information

Patricia Dyk, Ph.D.
Associate Professor and Chair

314 Funkhouser Building Lexington, KY 40506-0054
