Couple & Family Therapy Emphasis Area

Couple & Family Therapy Emphasis Area

Couple & Family Therapy Emphasis Area


The Couple & Family Therapy (CFT) emphasis area within our master’s program is designed to provide training to educate and train knowledgeable, competent and ethical practitioners who are capable of treating a broad spectrum of individuals and families; whose clinical skills are based in family systems theory; and whose primary professional identification is with the discipline of marriage and family therapy.

With this mission in mind, there are some unique requirements due to the clinical nature of this emphasis area and COAMFTE accreditation requirements. In addition to coursework, CFT students engage in client-contact hours, community outreach, research opportunities and graduate assistantships. Upon graduating, students are prepared to work with families, couples and individuals, or pursue doctoral studies in family science, therapy or related social science disciplines

See our Mission, Program Goals & Student Learning Outcomes     See our Graduate Achievement Data

Faculty & Facilities

Dr. Nathan Wood, LMFT serves as the CFT academic program director as well as the Individual, Relational, and Financial Therapy (I-RAFT) Clinic director. Dr. Katarina Krizova, LMFT and Katie Washington, LMFT also support the program as supervisors and part-time instructor for CFT-oriented courses (Washington).

The Individual, Relational, and Financial Therapy (I-RAFT) Clinic serves as the clinical facility, where therapy, training and supervision take place.


Due to COAMFTE accreditation requirements, there is little flexibility in the coursework required for CFT students. All CFT students are required to complete 300-500* client contact hours (which is primarily accomplished during the 12 credit hours of practicum) and take the following courses shown below (58 credit hours total). 

Students are strongly encouraged to contact the licensure boards in states in which they wish to work to confirm the number of clinical hours required for licensure. 

The sequence of coursework will depend on the year the program is started. For the course sequence, please check with Dr. Nathan Wood, Couple and Family Therapy Program Director.

See how each of the courses fits with our learning outcomes.

*While the state of Kentucky allows 300 hours of client contact for licensure, students need to be aware that many states require 500 clinical hours in order to be eligible for licensure. See State Licensure Map for more detail.


A tremendous amount of time and energy is invested into each student and into developing each class as a group. We believe each student brings a distinctive set of characteristics and strengths to our program. The best measure of what interests the committee is a profile of students we have admitted in the past:

  • all were strong undergraduate students with better than a 3.0 GPA
  • many had GRE scores exceeding the 50th percentile, although we have no cut-off score
  • most were social science majors (we prefer family science majors)
  • most have served as counselors or helpers either employed or as volunteers
  • all were strongly drawn to couple and family therapy for personal, philosophical, and professional reasons
  • all are able to attend the program full-time

The number of applicants to our program changes from year to year, but we typically review 20 to 40 applications each year. From that group, 16-20 will be invited to visit the program for an interview. An interview is required for admission. If a candidate resides outside the continental U.S., a telephone/video conference interview may be possible, but we prefer to actually see the person with whom we will work with so intensely. We admit 6-8 students each year.

Because we are a COAMFTE-accredited program, the course structure is fairly lock step. Getting out of phase can force up to a year delay. We want students to stay with their class and to complete the program on schedule in 2 years.

Applications are due January 15. We strive to have interviews completed by mid-March and to complete admissions by mid- to late April.

You will begin working in the Individual, Relational, and Financial Therapy (I-RAFT) Clinic the first semester of the program. By the second semester you will be deep into clinical work. Whenever you are working directly with clients you will receive support and supervision – lots of it – from faculty and support from other students.

Throughout the clinical phase of the program, when you are seeing clients, you will receive weekly individual and group supervision. In some of your sessions with clients you will be observed directly while you conduct therapy. Some supervision will consist of reviewing videotapes or audio tapes you make of your sessions. You will be assigned an individual supervisor who will closely monitor your work and case files.

Our students who go on to take the national licensing exam have done very well! In fact, recent alumni surveys have shown that all of the students since 2005 who have taken the exam have passed. See more of our alumni achievement data.

Quick Links


Application materials are due no later than January 15 to begin fall semester of the same calendar year. Applicants for the CFT emphasis area must be admitted to both the UK Graduate School and to the Department of Family Sciences master’s program.

Then, after carefully reviewing each applicant, the CFT faculty invites approximately 16-20 CFT emphasis area applicants for interviews that take place in February or March. Interview invitees are selected based on undergraduate GPA, GRE scores, quality of the purpose statement and reference letters, and prior volunteer, research, and professional experience.

Learn More


See our Funding page for more information about the cost of the program and financial support available.

Funding Opportunities


We do not discriminate against students or applicants on the basis of race, age, ethnicity, nationality, gender identity, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, disability, or religious and spiritual beliefs. Though we aspire to have students from all backgrounds, it is not always possible. Regardless, we are committed to training and retaining clinicians who reflect the communities we serve. Our goal is to be a program that celebrates students of all identities, and provide the support needed for their success through resources our university and community offer.

See Resources     See our Current Demographic Composition

Contact Us

Current CFT students are happy to talk with prospective applicants about the program. To contact current students, call 859-257-7755.

If you have questions about our master's program or the application process, contact:

Alexander T. Vazsonyi, Ph.D.
Director of Graduate Studies

Contact Information

Patricia Dyk, Ph.D.
Associate Professor and Chair

314 Funkhouser Building Lexington, KY 40506-0054
